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The objective of both Art I and Art II is to produce artwork that demonstrates the ability to create and express ones own feelings through their work, as well as demonstrating an understanding of and appreciation for works of art, art history, and the way in which art defines our lives.



Both Art I and Art II will have weekly sketchbook assignments.  The assignment will be given on Monday and will be due on Friday.  If you fail to hand in your Sketchbook on Fridays, your grade on that particular assignment will not be affected, you will receive a 0 for your responsibility grade.  You will also be required to stay in Homeroom the following week.  If you fail to turn in your late assignment by the next Friday, you will receive a 0 on the assignment and will not be able to redo it.  Sketchbook assignments will be posted weekly under the High School link here on my webpage.  The sketchbook is an Art Class assignment, so you will not have any class time to work on it.  Class time will be used to work on projects such as painting, sculpting, and more detailed drawing.




All assignments and projects will be graded with a rubric. Rubrics will be handed out before the assignment is given so that you will know what specific things I am looking for.  


I will be grading on a % scale.  Individual grades will not be weighted, but please know that I may enter some projects into the grade book more than once.  If I choose to do this, I will let you know before we begin working on that project.


There will be 3 sections in my gradebook.  A section for projects, a section for sketchbook assignments, and a responsibility section.  Each section will be worth 33% of your final grade.  The project section will be strictly for in class projects that we work on.  The assignments section will obviously be where all of your sketchbook assignment grades will go.  The responsibility section is a little different.  You will either receive a 100 or a 0 depending on whether or not you turn in your sketchbook assignments on time.  If your sketchbook is turned in on Friday at the beginning of the period, you will get a 100 for the week.  If it isn't, you will receive a 0 for the week.  It may not seem like a big deal, but remember, it is 33% of your final grade! 



Detailed drawing


Artist study

Dimensional drawing


* These are just some examples of projects we will be doing this year.  Projects are dependent on the course.


Show planning in artwork

Respond to artwork

Make artistic statements

Understand art history

Give effective presentations

Express different artistic styles


Tardy Policy


3 Tardies and you're out.  This means that I will give you 2 days of not making it to class on time.  The 3rd time it happens, you will get a detention.  If you are continually late and detention doesn't seem to be working, I will discuss further consequences with you at that time.




I feel that in order to be creative, you need to get your creative juices flowing.  To do this, you will definitely need music!  I will have music on in our classroom most days, however, if you would like to bring your own music...go for it!  I know that most people have music on their phones, and I'm fine with that.  Please bring headphones with you to class if you plan on listening to your own music.  Keep in mind that we all like different types of music, so don't plan to turn the volume up as loud as it will go.  Also, please use your class time wisely and keep the texting to a minimum.  I will always give you plenty of warnings, but know that if you choose not to do as you are asked, your device may be taken from you.  If I need to confiscate a device, I will give it back to you at the end of the period.  If it gets out of control and I am having to do it often, I will take your device down to Mr. Perlinski.  I suggest you just do as you're asked, when you're asked and we won't have any issues!



* No food will be allowed

* Gum is allowed

* You may bring water bottles






Classroom Rules
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